
Perfect Pickled Eggs

Prior to the days of refrigeration, pickling eggs in vinegar was used as a preservation method. Pickled eggs are delicious served with deli meats for a light dinner, as an appetizer, or at a picnic. Try making your own pickling spice mixture!

Prep Time:
10 min
Cook Time:
12 min


  • 12 hard boiled eggs, peeled
  • 1 cup ( 250 mL ) white vinegar
  • 1 cup ( 250 mL ) water
  • 1 tbsp ( 15 mL ) granulated sugar
  • 2 tsp ( 10 mL ) pickling spice
  • 1 tsp ( 5 mL ) salt


  1. Combine vinegar, water, sugar, pickling spices and salt in small saucepan.
  2. Bring to boil, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain liquid through sieve or cheesecloth, if desired.
  3. Place eggs in 4-cup (1 L) jar with lid. Pour hot liquid over eggs into jar. Top up with more water, if necessary, to ensure eggs are completely covered.

  4. Let cool. Cover jar with lid and refrigerate for at least two days before enjoying.


Pickled eggs will keep for one month in the refrigerator.

To make your own pickling spice mixture, use 1 tsp (5 mL) peppercorns, 10 whole cloves, 1 bay leaf and 2 dried whole chili peppers.

For a quick method of pickling eggs, place hard boiled eggs in pickle or pickled beet juice. Refrigerate at least two days before serving.

Keep a supply of pickled eggs in your refrigerator for a quick, healthy snack. Use pickled eggs to make egg salad or devilled eggs. Slice them for a sandwich filling or chop them to garnish a salad.

Beet Pickled Eggs:

Add a cooked peeled sliced beet to the pickling liquid to make beautiful magenta coloured pickled eggs.

Jalapeño Pickled Eggs:

Add a sliced jalapeño pepper (remove seeds for milder flavour) to jar before sealing. Add 1/4 cup (60 mL) steamed spinach for green colour and mild spinach flavour if desired.

Spiced Pickled Eggs:

Add 1/4 tsp (1 mL) each mustard seeds, coriander seeds, cloves, and turmeric and 1 star anis to pickling liquid to make spiced and golden-coloured eggs.